Tag Archives: sprite

Sprite steps

Yesterday I was fixing a bug in walking sprite (player). For the current sprite (Scias, Breath of Fire IV) are required 7 images for the transaction between the tiles. See below:

500000300 500000306 500000305 500000304 500000303 500000302 500000301

Note that the first step is the player is stopped. The bug occurred when the player performed a distance of several tiles. In the transition between the intermediate tiles (ie, all except the first and last), the first image appeared. What I like is that while it is moving, this first image was not displayed.
Solution: movements between tiles are now performed in a loop of 1-6 (excluding the first image – the index 0). Thus, when the player finished his walk, he remained with the image 6 (as if he was still walking). Then I created a new type of direction of motion called “NOTHING” (in Portuguese, NENHUMA), associating it with the first image.


Finally, changed the pathfinding to include “NOTHING” at the end of the path found. Thus, the thread that executes the character’s movement will end a sequence of movements with “NOTHING”, showing the image of the player stopped.

Note: of course I’m only using these images for’m in the prototype stage. Soon I will draw my own images (in another post I talk about it).